Well, as some of you know, I have been looking at sewing/embroidery machine combos for a while. I just really couldn't justify the cost. That was until I got my Costco rebate last Saturday. It paid for 1/2 of it. So, I ordered it on Monday and it was delivered on Thursday. OH YEAH! I almost kissed the UPS guy. Here is a picture of her still in the box. Sorry for the horrible picture, was taken with my phone. Once I get it up and running, I will take a picture.
I have been sick all week with Shingles. So I haven't even had a chance to put it together let alone read the manual. I did however purchase two really cool fonts from Meringue Designs. Check her out at
http://www.deepthoughtsbycynthia.blogspot.com/ or her Etsy shop at
http://meringuedesigns.etsy.com/ I have purchased from her in the past and love her work. Check it out. Those of you who don't know what Etsy is~ it is like Ebay for Crafters but you don't bid, you just buy. There are so many talented people out there. I use it to sell my Lauren Tote Bag pattern.
Well, I may stay up tonight and read my manual so I can monogram something tomorrow. It is supposed to be cold tomorrow so it will be a great day to stay in and sew/embroider.