I found this ugly board in the clearance area at Home Goods while shopping with my sister, Miltie. It is HOT Pink and Bright Green. If is made of foam not cork. The frame had a ding in it but I fixed it with some wood filler. Not perfect but you can hardly see it.

I got it for a dollar! I had to take a picture just to prove it. I was practically dancing in the isle. As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to paint the frame black and put a fairly simple fabric on it. I actually want to put a crazy fun fabric on it but thought it would be too hard to see anything pinned to it.
I wrapped the fabric around. I was going to attach with glue but decided to use painters tape instead. This way when I am tired of this fabric, it will be easy to remove and will be usable for another project.
I will be able to pin up drawings of projects or patterns I am working on.
Now I just have to put it up on the wall. It is just sitting on my sewing desk right now.